From the Anthology
Veterans’ Voices
A dainty lace-edged hanky clutched in hands,
Caressing uniform-clad overcoat.
She thinks of him away in distant lands
And lays her trembling hand on throbbing throat.
Her heart and soul appear to float
And, dabbing downcast eyes that start to fill
With tears, her breaking heart can never still.
And farewells are hard to speak, it is true,
But with these words the stationer will fill,
I do not want to say good-bye to you.
Entwining arms behind his back, she stands.
The tender words he tells her she will quote
Through lonely nights. Unhappiness expands.
She’ll move through many days as if by rote.
Around her inner self she builds a moat.
But now she’ll hold him in her arms until
Departure time has come; she feels so ill.
She hugs him tight. She knows not what to do.
And so she simply allows her voice to trill,
I do not want to say good-bye to you.
Her love is going off to distant lands.
In future days her time she will devote,
Remembering the touch of sturdy hands.
The long and ardent kiss and she will float
In though and soul, no matter how remote.
The Army camp, his tent upon the hill.
Now all her emotions o’er him spill.
She vows that she forever will be true
And thinks as tears begin her eyes to fill,
I do not want to say good-bye to you.
He leans out of the idling train while bands
Begin to play. One last kiss, an end note
To his civilian life. The crystal sands
Of time so quickly flow, appear to gloat
Soon he will leave for lands remote
While wearing olive drab and khaki twill.
He kisses her, hopes her dreams to fulfill
Of happiness when this mad war is through
But now she only knows an icy chill,
I do not want to say good-bye to you.
The dock is crowded. Tall and proud he stands
Beside his bride. He wears his new peacoat
His hat a tilt awaiting new commands.
Under her arm, she holds her leather tote
The gangplank of the ship acts as a moat.
She cannot follow; so apart they will
Spend their days until he will fulfill
His term of service and this war is through
And in her head these words are loud and shrill,
I do not want to say good-bye to you.
The time has come, she mutely understands,
And tells herself not to cry or emote.
She watches as the military bands
And crowds of strangers. Musical notes float
Valiantly midair. Her flat stare remote.
Of sad departures, she has had her fill.
She clings to him, and yet will not keep still.
I must be strong for him. What can I do?
I love you, but my heart is all a chill,
I do not want to say good-bye to you.
At final departure, their hearts will fill
With sorrow, despair, and fear. What will
The ensuing years bring? What will we do?
Though duty calls, their hearts are loath and ill,
I do not want to say good-bye to you.